Friday, May 1, 2009

Little Big Men.

This is coolbert:

Here with an extract from the New Duranty Time [New York Times], dated 1919:


"Stand Up Better Under Terrific Strain on Nerves"

"Men from cities, even those weak in stature and constitution, had proved themselves among the greatest of soldiers . . . the undersized men who appeared to be nervous and looked as if they could never stand the battle strain, held out better than the bigger men"

Published: February 25, 1919
Copyright © The New York Times

“The best preparation for being a soldier - - is - - poverty!!” - - Napoleon.

Here are two men, of less than normal physical stature and height, who, nonetheless, proved to be outstanding soldiers, one in particular rising to the absolute of heroics and glory!!

1. Audie Murphy. The ultimate American World Two [WW2] war hero. Winner of the Medal of Honor and numerous lesser but still significant decorations. WAS THE MOST HIGHLY DECORATED AMERICAN SOLDIER OF WW2.

"Audie Leon Murphy . . . was a much-decorated American soldier who served in the European Theater during World War II."

"In 27 months of combat action, Murphy became one of the most highly decorated United States soldiers of World War II. He received the Medal of Honor, the U.S. military's highest award for valor, along with 32 additional U.S. and foreign medals and citations"

A man - - who because of his height [lack of it!] - - was rejected for military service by the Marine Corps and the U.S. Army paratroopers BOTH!

"Murphy was accepted into the United States Army . . . after being turned down by the Marines and the paratroopers for being too short (5'5"/1.65 m) and of slight build."

A man who from an early age as a farm boy in Texas was accustomed to a hard life of deprivation, an existence best described as “hardscrabble”! “Doing without” - - arduous physical backbreaking farm chores - - during the time of the Great Depression - - was the customary and accepted way of life for Audie Murphy. POVERTY UN-AMELIORATED!!

Murphy, at various levels of rank and command, private/corporal/sergeant/lieutenant, accomplished courageous feats on the battlefield, again and again, far beyond those of lesser mortals!!

2. Aaron Bank. The man generally considered to be the “father” of the American Special Forces [SF]. Aaron Bank was a man who can best be described as being of diminutive stature [not tall, short], albeit possessing considerable athletic and physical talents. Became an officer in the U.S. Army at the rather advanced age of thirty-seven [37], seeing combat action during WW2 as a Jedburgh in France.

At the end of the war, was prepared to lead a special operation mission into Germany, the purpose of which WOULD HAVE BEEN TO KILL ADOLPH HITLER!!

"organizing an operation intended to capture Adolf Hitler."

Aaron Bank enjoyed a very productive post-war career as well. Retiring as a Colonel, his recommendations that the U.S.Army maintain a dedicated and permanent unconventional warfare military arm [SF] being adopted almost in toto!

Even in retirement, the mind of Colonel Bank remained active, inquisitive, productive, and imaginative! The quasi-military civilian guard force currently protecting commercial nuclear reactors throughout the U.S. also being “fathered” by Aaron Bank.

"During his retirement years, Col. Bank played a quiet but critical role in warning the nation about the risks of terrorism and modern technology and he is largely responsible for the high level of security at U.S. nuclear power plants since the early 1970s."

Audie Murphy and Aaron Bank, two “little men” that stood VERY TALL!! And our country is so much the better for it too!!


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