Monday, April 27, 2009


This is coolbert:

"'If it is not the fashion now, it will be later because I wear it.'" - - A. Hitler in 1923.

Regarding the toothbrush moustache and the fashion at the time.

Here are two men, very senior German commanders from World War Two [WW2], who did adopt the wearing of the toothbrush moustache when it became all the rage to do so? ONLY two among many? In emulation of Hitler, making an obsequious and inane "fashion statement" NOT in keeping with the normal behavior of men of obviously strong character!

Kurt Zeitzler - - Chief of Staff - - 1942-1944.

Franz Halder - - Chief of Staff - - 1938-1942.

In particular, Halder has the appearance of the stereo-typical Prussian general officer as shown in the cinema, pulp-fiction and "invasion literature" genre of literature. A closely cropped "buzz-cut" GI-style haircut. Indeed, after the Prussian victory over France in 1870, short hair, and the lack of facial hair, all the trademarks of the Prussian military, became the standard for military men the world over.

Halder. Damned cocky looking German. NOT a Prussian however. NOT from the Junker [leader] class. A Wurzburger - - but - - the son of an esteemed millitary man.

Halder in contrast, WAS THE SON OF A PASTOR!!


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