Thursday, April 9, 2009

Somali Pirates

This is coolbert:

"it [slave raids of the Barbary pirates] was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran"

This particular incident is being followed closely by the main-stream-media.

Thanks to the Chicago Tribune today:

Pirates hold U.S. ship’s captain

“The first such attack against a U.S.-flagged vessel off the coast of Africa since the days of the Barbary pirates more than 200 years ago.”

Somali pirates attacking a U.S-flagged vessel, inviting retaliation of a big sort?

Captain of the ship is a hostage, in grave peril; we are all holding our breath on this one!!

Accompanying the Tribune article, this too, from the Associated Press:

U.S. owes much to pirates of yore

An article - - an almost apologetic article to an extent - - justifying piracy, but in the process confusing piracy with privateering?

“When the infant country declared independence [American Revolutionary War/War of Independence] it had no navy, so battling Britain at sea was a problem.”

“The time-honored solution: Hire private warriors - - known a privateers to some, pirates to others - - to do the fighting.”

“The Second Continental Congress formalized the process in 1776. Nearly 800 vessels commissioned as privateers and are credited with capturing or destroying about 600 British ships.”

Pirates and privateers are merely different sides of the same coin? Is that the proper way to say it?

Privateers, however, were acting within the boundaries of legally constituted authority, legally empowered to carry out their activities [privateering], acting within the confines of international law as it was recognized AT THE TIME [1776]!!!

The Somali pirates are acting outside of any legally constituted authority, IN ALL OF SOMALIA THERE BEING NO LEGALLY CONSTITUTED AUTHORITY AS NORMALLY AND GENERALLY RECOGNIZED.


Perhaps, also, I am wrong again. These Somali miscreants are only acting ACCORDING TO THEIR SOURCE OF LAW, LEGALLY CONSTITUTED AUTHORITY AS THEY SEE IT, KORANIC PRONOUNCEMENTS AS INTERPRETED BY THE ISLAMIC ULEMA [legal scholars]??!! Ambassador Abdul Hamid would have instantly and perfectly understood this??


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