Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This is coolbert:

Those U.S. Navy SEALS carrying out the direct action mission against the Somali pirates, saving the life of Captain Phillips, are true professionals. Highly trained unconventional warfare fighters, accomplishing their mission with aplomb.

Navy SEALS, “taking out” the three Somali pirates, each pirate killed more or less simultaneously by a sniper shot to the head, during darkness, the shooters firing from a rocking boat!! [all SEALS are trained as marksmen/snipers/sharpshooters??]

Those SEALS employed gyro-stabilized sniper rifles? So it is reported. Such a thing even exists? It is a new one on me! But does make sense! To be able to hit a small target, even at forty yards/meters, from a rocking boat, must be a difficult task! Compensation would have to be made for the motion of the USS Bainbridge AND the pirate vessel both!! “ONE SHOT, ONE KILL”, INSTANTANEOUSLY, BEING THE OPERATIVE PHRASE!!

That the sea had developed a “chop” and was making the task of the snipers that much more difficult HAD TO BE A SERIOUS CONSIDERATION OF THE COMMANDER ON THE SCENE GIVING THE ”GO” COMMAND!!??

AND, the manner with the SEALS were placed “aboard” the Bainbridge too was quite dramatic, as also reported:

* Flight into the immediate vicinity by fixed wing aircraft, THE SEALS PARACHUTING INTO THE OCEAN!! Being then taken to the Bainbridge by either small boat or “chopper”?

Sounds like something out of a James Bond movie!!

Those Somali pirates were mere teenagers, too! Negotiations were actually underway at the time of the direct action, but probably as well, in the mind, once again, of the commander on the scene, was that these immature, mercurial, inexperienced persons were just too volatile and unpredictable to deal with on a rational basis.

President Obama was in on the loop for this one? He gave the go-ahead and authorization to use force and delegated the final decision to shoot, if needed? THIS WAS TAKING OF LIFE WITHOUT DUE PROCESS? But - - it has always been the tradition - - AND LEGAL - - that when dealing with pirates, DUE PROCESS NEED NOT BE A CONSIDERATION! Who ever is able and fortunate enough to get their hands on pirates can deal with the villains in an expeditious and decisive manner, KILLING THE BAD GUYS!!

“You make a hard bed - - sleep on it!!”


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