Monday, April 20, 2009


This is coolbert:

Here is a Soviet torpedo boat from the World War Two [WW2] era:

The G-5.

"In the early 1930s the USSR began mass production of a 'mosquito fleet' consisting of aluminum torpedo boats that had high speeds of around 50-55 knots."

"The creation of a new type of boat which was more responsive to the needs of the Soviet Navy was completed in 1933. It was accepted for service under the designator «G-5». This boat was armed with two 533mm torpedoes."

Carried two torpedoes in the rear of the craft [how these were fired in combat I am not sure]. Also equipped with several anti-aircraft machineguns.

Has the appearance of a midget submarine. But of course does not have the capability to submerge.

Very high speed craft for any time, much less the era of WW2. Aluminum hulled, a creation of the famous aircraft design "bureau" - - Tupelov.

The idea was - - for these vessels to engage in asymmetric warfare at sea? "Guerrilla fighters" of the ocean? Able to use swarming numbers, speed, hours of darkness, surprise to attack and torpedo and destroy much larger, formidable, but ponderous surface warships of the enemy!

This NEVER OCCURRED! The G-5 did see yeoman service during the war, but NOT to attack and sink large enemy surface warcraft.

Very innovative and interesting design however. By an aircraft design bureau?


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