Thursday, April 16, 2009

"Black Fellahs".

This is coolbert:

Here is another national and ethnic group the recruits of which would be very suitable material to “flesh out” [fill the ranks] another American Foreign Legion combat brigade.

See previous blog entries about an American Foreign Legion here and here.

Fijians. Persons from the Fiji Islands. Melanesians. “Black fellahs” in the local vernacular.

A recruitment drive to fill the ranks of a combat unit, brigade size, allowing the U.S. military to put “more boots on the ground”, and do so in a quick manner.

Already being recruited for a period of decades now by the British army, but only in very limited numbers.

"A spokesman for the Fijian Embassy in London said more than 2,000 are now serving with British regiments around the world as a result of recruiting since 1998."

Persons, Fijians who make excellent soldiers, combat arms types, noted for their great physical stature and prodigious strength.

"Fijian soldiers have a reputation of physical strength and spirit and have been quietly serving in the British Army for several generations."

Fijians, willing and able to enlist for hazardous duty, even relishing and enjoying the task of engaging in combat. MANY OF WHOM [FIJIANS] ALREADY HAVE SOME DEGREE MILITARY OR PARA-MILITARY TRAINING OR EXPERIENCE!

In addition, I would imagine that if you recruited for say about 5,000 enlistees, you would have tens of thousands of applicants. You would be able to pick the “cream of the crop”. English speakers - - marginally [??] - - to boot!

"Now the Ministry of Defence [British] faces a backlog as it ploughs through 15,000 forms from would-be servicemen and women." - - 2002.

"The British Army holds regular recruitment drives on the islands and the South China Morning Post said more than 10,000 hopefuls have applied since 2000." - - 2002.

Officered, commanded, and led into battle by American soldiers, volunteers from the ranks of the Special Forces [SF]!

[an enlisted American [SF] troop would become an instantaneous officer commanding a platoon, a warrant officer [SF] would command a company, and a Captain [SF] would command a battalion??]

Fijians are ALREADY involved in combat and security duties all over the world. U.N. peacekeepers or with private security concerns [“white companies”]! Again - - NOT eschewing - - rather preferring - - combat arms! NOT AT ALL AFRAID OR HESITANT TO MIX IT UP PHYSICALLY WITH AN ADVERSARY!!

And have a well-deserved reputation for ferocity in battle. A tradition from olden times? Consider that when Captain Bligh of the “Mutiny on the Bounty” fame/infamy made his 4,000 mile open boat voyage from Polynesia to Portuguese Timor, he deliberately bypassed the Fiji Islands, the inhabitants reputed to be cannibals, in the habit of killing, cooking and eating interlopers!

[the Fijians are now and have been for some time Christian!]

This unit of Fijians, CONSISTING OF MEN OF THE HIGHEST POSSIBLE CALIBER - - MOTIVATED, constituting only a part [1/3?] of the American Foreign Legion as proposed by myself, organized, trained, having extraordinary organic firepower and capable of deployment anywhere in the world, rapido, would be capable of amazing feats upon demand??!!!

American Foreign Legion units, consisting of distinct national and ethnic groupings, NOT MIXED, but maintaining a cohesive status, is the way to go?

One combat brigade each of Ghurkhas, Afrikaners, and Fijians, backed by American firepower from national level assets, will put the fear of GOD into almost anyone?


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