Sunday, February 22, 2009

Al Amriki.

This is coolbert:

Here from the web site Prisoner of Joy is a communique from an American currently fighting with the jihadi in Somalia. A white Caucasian American ex-military man who has gone rogue? Never had heard of this guy before. This is really bad. You can almost forgive an idiot like Adam Gadahn for joining the jihadi cause. But this guy is different. A real threat if there ever was one. A professional American soldier of the highest quality, trained to lead into battle guerrillas/insurgents in the manner of the U.S. Special Forces [SF]!!

Abu Mansoor al-Amriki.

And a white man, a Caucasian too! A white Moor? Fighting in black Africa. With persons that ordinarily detests, despise, hates the European/American with an extreme revulsion.

"Abu Mansoor Al-Amriki (The American Mujahid In Somalia) - A Message To The Mujahideen In Particular & The Muslims In General "

"Abu Mansoor al-Amriki [the American], is an ex-US soldier who fought in Bosnia in the early 1990s. No US soldiers officially fought in the Bosnia war, but about a dozen Muslim ex-US Special Forces soldiers fought in Bosnia and trained al-Qaeda and other mujaheddin forces there around 1993"

This man is a naturalized American Muslim who served in the SF and later went bad? Or was a native born American SF man who converted to Islam and has taken up the cause of jihad with the ferocity of the zealot??

My guess is that this man sees himself as a latter-day T.E. Lawrence. A "Seven Pillar of Wisdom" man who wants to make a mark on the world and will do so by leading a guerrilla/insurrectionist/terrorist army of jihadis on the path of world conquest. So he sees himself in the mirror.

And is now too - - an excellent candidate from a Hellfire missile from a drone or an explosive fifty caliber round [raufoss] from a long-range sniper rifle.

This man is dangerous and must be brought down, and soon too!!


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