Wednesday, January 7, 2009


This is coolbert:

Some observant and astute readers to the blog have pointed out some minor errors in prior posts. Corrections have been made. Thanks for the comments devoted readers!!

"Just a nitpick, Shivaji was not just a prince, he was coronated as a Chattrapati which is a regal title meaning Lord of Warriors or just Emperor."

Shivaji was indeed NOT a prince. More correctly a king - - an emperor, a war leader of renown.

And successful in waging guerrilla warfare against the Muslim Mughal rulers of India.

Shivaji in India. Skanderbeg in the Balkans. Both fighting the Islamic invader. And doing quite well! Where others failed, these two men persisted and prevailed, both employing their forces in the style of the partisan.

"I believe it is actually Kennan, not Keenan"

The name is correctly spelled Kennan. NOT Keenan. OH MY! I noticed that I uniformly misspelled the name throughout the blog entry. Damn, the eye for some reason overlooks errors such as that. That is why proof-readers are needed!! YES!

Thank you readers!


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