Thursday, November 20, 2008


This is coolbert:

Good interview this morning on National Public Radio [NPR].

Persons being interviewed are: Admiral Gortney, commander of the U.S. 5th Fleet and also commander of the Combined Maritime Force, patrolling the Indian Ocean, and: Nick Davis, head of a private British concern which provides security details for merchant shipping!

Concerning the current wave of piracy occurring in the vicinity of the Horn of Africa. Piracy, once thought a thing of the long-gone past, now a practice [piracy] undergoing a regrettable resurgence, threatening international commerce.

Somali pirates hijacking whole ships, holding the ships, cargo, and crews for ransom.

At this very moment, no less than eighteen ships from a variety of nations are being held for ransom!!

[I would qualify all this by saying that those crews have BEEN KIDNAPPED. NOT just the ships being held for ransom! The crews are hostages and their situation can only be described as KIDNAPPING!! In many American locales and jurisdictions, kidnapping involving death of a victim is a crime that can result in the death penalty!!]

It seems that the Somali pirates have become emboldened of late. Previously confined their piracy only to the immediate coastal waters of Somalia. NOW, are ranging further a field, far out to sea, attacking ships of ever increasing size, cargoes being seized and held for ransom being much more valuable!!

[consider the most recent case of the Saudi super-tanking hijacking. Cargo [oil] on board that tanker is estimated to be worth $100 million. This represents about one quarter [1/4] of Saudi daily oil output and shipments to foreign destinations!]

From this particular NPR interview:

According to Admiral Gortney:

* His command must patrol an area of ocean consisting of 1 million square miles. NOT enough assets EVER will available to successfully locate and deter the pirates.


* Shipping concerns must take proactive measures ON THEIR OWN! Speed of vessels must be increased; boarding ladders secured and not hung over the side, AND SECURITY DETAILS PROVIDED FOR EACH SHIP!

This Englishman Nick Davis is head of a private company [Anti-Piracy Maritime Security Solutions] that for a price: PROVIDES SECURITY DETAILS FOR MERCHANT SHIPPING.

[this [Anti-Piracy Maritime Security Solutions] is an example of the “white companies” spoken about by the British Admiral Parry? “White companies” being private security concerns, paramilitary in nature, to augment/provide security and/or perform a whole host of missions ordinarily ONLY within the purview of the conventional military!]

According to Davis:

* Security aboard each merchant vessel consists of a three-man force, ex-British Royal Marines or special operations forces [SAS?] personnel! Trained military men now working and using their skills [only to a certain extent] in the civilian sector.

* If and when confronted by pirates, the security team uses a sonic-blaster [L-RAD] as the sole means [?] of defense. An audio signal of such overwhelming intensity and volume that it HURTS!! THESE MILITARY MEN ARE RESTRICTED TO NON-LETHAL WEAPONRY ALONE!!

Some comments:

* Mere defensive action will not be enough to deter or STOP the piracy. Patrolling, “white companies”, etc., never will be adequate in number or nature. The best defense will have to be offensive in nature. GO AFTER THE PIRATES AND GET THEM!! Security details aboard merchant vessels SHOULD NOT BE CONFINED TO USING NON-LETHAL WEAPONRY!! That Combined Maritime Force MUST NOT be confined to patrolling and “dealing” with situations ONLY when they develop. YOU MUST CARRY THE FIGHT TO THE PIRATES WHERE THEY LIVE!!

* Jurisdiction with regard to fighting piracy should not be a problem. The fight against piracy, as waged centuries ago now, WAS THE ORIGINAL FORM OF UNIVERSAL JURISDICTION!!?? Anybody, anywhere, fortunate to get their hands on pirates were universally recognized as having the authority to exact punishment, the usual recourse being HANGING, SUMMARY-LIKE, OF THE MISCREANTS!! Somalia too is a totally law-less place, NO “central government” or legal authority capable of handling the pirates. A breakdown of order makes legitimate an outside force or forces to take action as they see fit, “for the common good”??!!


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