Saturday, November 22, 2008


This is coolbert: Here from a diplomatic discussion between: The Tripolitan Ambassador to Britain, Sidi Haji Abdul Rahman Adja - - in conversation with - - Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, then serving as American ambassadors to France and Britain - - 1786

"that it [slave raids of the Barbary pirates] was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have acknowledged their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise."

Let us refresh our memory as to the predictions made by the British Admiral Parry recently. Among other things, Parry has predicted that the Mediterranean will see a return of the Barbary pirates. Cut-throat Muslim raiders, practicing a trade we thought done away with long ago.

"Beware: the new goths are coming" - - June 11, 2006

"In an apocalyptic vision of security dangers, Rear Admiral Chris Parry said future migrations would be comparable to the Goths and Vandals while north African 'barbary' pirates could be attacking yachts and beaches in the Mediterranean within 10 years."

"Third World instability would lick at the edges of the West as pirates attacked holidaymakers from fast boats. 'At some time in the next 10 years it may not be safe to sail a yacht between Gibraltar and Malta,' said the admiral."

Generally speaking, Admiral Parry has foretold a breakdown of the world order, beginning around the year 2012 or so. A breakdown due to a variety of factors, factors for which no amelioration seems to be possible. This is all going to be inevitable?

The predations - - of the Barbary pirates will resume with a vengeance! Something that was thought a-thing-of-the-past, an anachronism never to be seen again, will once more be a constant source of threat to European populations [and anyone other than a Muslim traveling in the afflicted area!]!

The Barbary pirates, Muslims, were especially covetous of what was called "white gold"! European slaves, taken primarily from the various European nations bordering the Mediterranean, but also from Ireland, England, and even on one occasion, Iceland.

[in some minds, there is a special intriguing aspect to European "white people" being enslaved by what are seen as "dark skinned" persons??!! A perverse interest in such matters is aroused!!]

The normal way to deal with the Barbary pirates was to pay tribute, bribes, baksheesh, ransom hostages, etc. Military action was generally felt to be futile.

These piratical raiders, the desire to obtain "white gold" occurred for a period of almost 1,000 years!! ONLY put to an end by military action of the various European powers - - and - - the conquest and occupation of Algeria by the French [1830's]!!

The piracy now occurring in the Horn of Africa region is only a small taste of what is to come? Behavior once thought to be, again, an anachronism never to be seen again, will become common place, routine, AND DEADLY!!

I hope not, but I fear it will be!!


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