Monday, November 24, 2008


This is coolbert:

Here is more dope on the anti-sniper detection and location system soon to be deployed to Iraq and Afghan. A device as developed and manufactured by the British concern QinetiQ. Q as in "Q"? The eccentric Englishman providing all sorts of exotic gadgets for James Bond!

"US Army Places $9.95 Million Order for QinetiQ North America's Next Generation of Soldier-Wearable Sniper Detectors"

"US Army’s first large-scale deployment of Ears expected by end of year"

"QinetiQ North America’s Technology Solutions Group has announced a $9.95 million order from the US Army's Rapid Equipping Force (REF) for SWATS Soldier-Wearable Acoustic Targeting Systems."

"Part of the Ears Gunshot Localization System product family, SWATS soldier-worn units will be deployed to US Army troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan this year."

"This is the US Army’s first large-scale deployment of any soldier-wearable gunshot and sniper detection solution."

Ears they call it. It seems only one unit per troop is all that is needed. You DO NOT require several units working in concert to achieve triangulation and find the position of the enemy sniper? This is correct? Yes?

Ears too does NOT live in isolation. This is a "hot button" item for defense contractors. Everyone has their own "device", each outperforming the latest and greatest?

Here, thanks to David Crane of Defense Review, is a more complete listing of anti-sniper detection and location devices. Either under development, being fielded, etc.

"Anti-Sniper/Sniper Detection/Gunfire Detection Systems at a Glance"

(1) BBN Boomerang II Mobile Acoustic Shooter Detection System (MASDS) for Moving Vehicles.
(2) WeaponWatch.
(3) REDOWL (Robot Enhanced Detection Outpost with Lasers.
(4) M1 FS-GDS Fixed Site/and M2 VM-GDS Vehicle Mounted Gunfire Detection Systems.
(5) AAI PDCue Tetrahedral Gunfire Detection System.
(6) Anti-Sniper Infrared Targeting System (ASITS).
(7) ShotSpotter Military Systems.

Such "devices" are going to see a lot of action in the years to come? A counter to one of the most effective tactics [sniper], that can be employed by jihadi or other 4th generational warfare practitioners? There is a NEED and it is being met?


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