Sunday, October 12, 2008


This is coolbert:

As I have previously observed, there is, for whatever reasons, an enduring and ever-lasting fascination with all things Adolf Hitler. Here is another example:

"Adolf Hitler Know a man by his books "

The personal library of Adolf Hitler has been found and is being perused. Persons are able to infer real substance from the gleanings. Knowing what Hitler read is of importance in an attempt to understand the thought processes of the man?


This is in reality not exactly the PERSONAL LIBRARY OF HITLER? Is the library of the Reichs Chancellery in Berlin! The personal residence of Hitler in Berlin, but also much more than that! This "library" was a library open to all persons having admittance to the chancellery? NOT a personal library as such!?

[a library, if one exists, in the U.S. White House, would NOT be said to be the personal library of a particular President!]

"surviving portions of Hitler’s private library reveal the German dictator as an ardent bibliophile, owning classics, history, travel writing, biography, studies of the occult and much else.

"[the] main find is the portion of Hitler’s huge book collection that ended up in an obscure section of the Library of Congress. Other books emerged from American officers who took them as souvenirs. The Soviet army had the best pickings: the library in Berlin’s Reichskanzlei, 10,000 volumes, was shipped off to Moscow in 1945 and has not been seen in public since"

"the well-thumbed volumes that Hitler consulted during the writing of 'Mein Kampf'. Hitler was not only an avid reader but also an inveterate under liner."

"Hitler had a magpie mind. He speed-read books looking for material that he counted as useful—meaning anything that fitted into his mosaic of misplaced historical analogy and pseudoscience. What didn’t fit was discarded . . . a dime-store theory cobbled together from cheap tendentious paperbacks and esoteric hardcovers, which gave rise to a thin, calculating, bullying mendacity.”

A magpie mind? A persons who picks and chooses in a helter-skelter fashion, from all over the place, NOT in an orderly and rational manner? Attracted especially by material that glitters and shines, perhaps without substance?

I think it is generally agreed that Hitler was NOT a man of profound intellect. Rather the opposite. Just barely graduated from secondary school, was a poor student, not displaying any special mental talents.

Hitler had little attention for paperwork, tedious study and such? I am just not sure. That is the impression I gather!

This this "library" was the personal collection of Hitler is something I am dubious about. It well may have been the library in residence at the Reichs Chancellery, but that is about all!


1 comment:

  1. the caesar's legions were very fast walking 8 or 9 hours a day and resting 10 minutes an hoa that for a lot of days in a row! One time he made a trip from rome to spain in probably 27 days. this time everibody ( 800 germans )had horses.... but it was a unique military action!
