Sunday, October 12, 2008

Afghan I.

This is coolbert:

An additional troubling headline from Afghan:

"More Than 100 Taliban Killed in Afghan Clashes
Afghan official: More than 100 militants killed in battles in southern Afghanistan

"Taliban militants launched a surprise attack on a key southern Afghan town, sparking a battle that killed some 60 insurgents, an Afghan official said Sunday. A second clash in the same region killed another 40 militants."

"In a second battle in Helmand province, Afghan and international troops retook the Nad Ali district center — which had been held by militants — during a three-day fight, Ahmadi said. That battle, which also involved air strikes, ended Saturday, Ahmadi said."

"Afghan officials have been known to exaggerate death tolls in the past."

60 insurgents killed here, 40 insurgents killed here, a three-day fight there, etc.

Particularly troubling should be the number of Taliban fighters involved in these "engagements", if accurate.

The normal ratio in warfare is for every 100 killed, 350 are wounded and live to see another day!

What does this say about the size of these Taliban units now operating in the southern part of Afghan? How large are these units prior to an engagement? The Taliban are not limited to team, squad, platoon size operations. Are now able to mount military operations with units in excess of company size [a company numbering anywhere from 150 to 200 fighters!]!

And not only confined to sniping, mining, raids and ambushes on a small scale either. NOW able to conduct an engagement with the object of holding ground [up to 3 days in this latest operation]!

I may be off on my figures, but still, that situation in the southern part of Afghan is going from bad to worse fast?


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