Monday, July 8, 2024

Troy 1188 B.C.

This is coolbert:

Courtesy the tip from Freeper. The text as generated by AI.

The Trojan War! Not myth! Not legend! Was real!

"Scientists calculate the exact date of the Trojan horse using eclipse in Homer"

"According to recent findings, scientists have calculated the exact date when the Greeks used the Trojan horse to raze the city of Troy. This calculation was made possible by an eclipse mentioned in the stories of Homer."

The Calculated Date: 

"The scientists have determined that the horse [Trojan horse] was used in 1188 BC, ten years before Homer’s Odyssey describes the return of a warrior [Ulysses] to his wife on the day the 'sun is blotted out of the sky'."

The Eclipse Connection:

"The calculation is based on an eclipse mentioned in Homer’s Odyssey, which describes a solar eclipse that occurred in 1178 BC. This eclipse was visible over the Ionian Islands, where Homer’s poem was set."

The Significance:

"This finding is significant because it provides a precise date for the legendary fall of Troy, which has been the subject of much debate and speculation for centuries. The legend of the fall of Troy is mentioned in Virgil and Homer’s poems, and it is believed to be based on truth."

[As generated by AI]

See the original Freeper entry:

See previous blog entries, total eclipse of the sun, the military dimension:



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