Wednesday, July 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

Consideration to me this a revelation. Advanced missile systems US Army. 

System apparently fast-tracked and now deployable. Mid-Range Capability [MRC].

fast-track: "verb - to speed up the processing, production, or construction of in order to meet a goal"

1. "US Army deploys midrange missile for first time in Philippines"        By Jen Judson        Apr 16, 2024. image courtesy US Army.

"The Mid-Range Capability missile has landed in Luzon, Philippines, as part of the Salaknib exercise taking place there, marking the first deployment of the new capability deemed vital for the U.S. Army’s strategy in the region."

SM-6 and Tomahawk! Normally missiles only in the inventory of the US Navy. Not ordinarily and regularly part and parcel of US Army inventory. Until now! SM-6 evidently now can be used in the surface-to-surface mode of attack! Tomahawk missiles probably of the land-attack version.

Training exercise the Philippines. Not permanently deployed. [click on image to see an enlarged view]

And now this:

2. "Philippines Says US Mid-range Missile System To Be Pulled Out"        By AFP - Agence France Presse        July 4, 2024

"A US mid-range missile system deployed in the Philippines for annual joint military exercises -- to the annoyance of China -- will be pulled out of the country, a Philippine Army spokesman said Thursday."

The mere presence of the Mid-Range system a source of irritation and aggravation to the Chinese? You can reasonably infer then this missile apparatus seen as a significant danger? If the Chinese do not like it then MRC must be good?

YES, fear the reaper!


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