Tuesday, July 9, 2024


This is coolbert:

Please keep in mind that mere registration for the military draft [conscription] and nothing more being considered at this time. I always this was mandated by law anyhow. And as applies to young men only. Induction into the military until further notice not occurring.

A deterrent for peace? A deterrent?

"Playbook for a Military Draft"

From https://original.antiwar.com | Edward Hasbrouck Posted | July 08, 2024.

"A new report released 18 June 2024 by the Center for a New American Security (CNAS) provides a remarkably candid window into the flawed and dangerous thinking of military strategists who support continual 'readiness' for an on-demand military draft, even while they claim — perhaps truthfully — not to prefer a draft, even as Plan B, but only as Plan F for 'Fallback' in case of prolonged total war." 

Consider this graphic [Click on image to see an enlarged view]. Force expansion as deemed by conscription to be only implemented in case of a conflict of greater than 180 days!

"Stages of mobilization for war. Image from CNAS report based on Department of Defense mobilization plan. Note the absence of a Congressional declaration of war at any stage up to and including total military mobilization." 

"The CNAS report is intended to show supporters of the current bipartisan mainstream U.S. foreign policy and military consensus why the U.S. should step up planning and PREPARATION FOR A DRAFT [my emphasis] as a tool of deterrence. But for those outside that consensus who think current U.S. policy is already bellicose enough, especially those who assume that opposing draft registration and other steps toward readiness for a draft should be a low priority for antiwar activists because the U.S. will never again (or at least not soon) activate a draft, the CNAS report provides an important lesson in how preparedness for a draft is itself a tool of war, even in 'peacetime'."

Please keep in mind that during World War Two young American men conscripted and assigned to a brand-new divisional-sized unit requiring anywhere from eighteen to twenty-four months of training prior to deployment overseas for combat.


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