Friday, July 12, 2024

CVN 71/73.

This is coolbert:

As it was during the Vietnam War era as it is now?

American aircraft carriers during normal refueling overhaul damage being found that will require time-consuming repair!

Damage I sincerely hope not the result of deliberate sabotage!

"Washington, USS John C. Stennis Partially Due to Unknown Steam Turbine Damage"

https://news.usni.orgSAM LAGRONE JULY 8, 2024.

"Extensive delays to the mid-life refueling and complex overhauls of two nuclear-powered aircraft carriers were due to damage to the steam turbines that power the ship, USNI News has learned."

"According to Naval Sea Systems Command, 'significant damage' to the generators aboard both USS George Washington (CVN-73) and USS John C. Stennis (CVN-74) added unplanned work that was discovered after both carriers arrived at HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding for maintenance."

Read what is thought to have been repeated attempts at sabotage the USS Ranger during the Vietnam War period: "Sailor Aboard 'Ranger' Charged With Sabotage"

The strange case of Patrick Chenowith:   [thanks to the wiki]

"This [deployment to Vietnam] had been delayed four months when one of the engines was disabled after Navy fireman E-3 Patrick Chenoweth was accused of dropping a heavy paint scraper into a main reduction gear, one of around two dozen acts of sabotage Ranger suffered between 7 June 1972 and 16 October 1972. Chenoweth was charged with 'sabotage in time of war", and faced 30 years imprisonment, but was acquitted by a general court-martial."

Chenowith acquitted please note!

The Washington and Stennis at a crucial period of history unable to perform mission if required to do so!

It is not that I don't believe it is so [sabotage], it is more that I don't want to believe it is so!


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