Friday, July 19, 2024


This is coolbert:

Straight from the horse's mouth:

"The phrase 'straight from the horse’s mouth' means hearing information directly from the person who has personal knowledge of the matter, rather than from someone else or through rumors. It implies that the information is authentic and trustworthy because it comes from the source itself."

Here a collection of You Tube video, written articles, podcasts the Israeli General officer Yaakov Amidror. When Yaakov speaks me all listen?

European date format used. dd/mm/yyyy.

1. "The Tikvah Podcast: Yaakov Amidror on Why He’s Arguing That Israel Must Prepare for War with Iran"


2. "Initial Lessons from the October 2023 War"

"The initial lessons from the war are the need to legitimize the option of preventive strikes and wars; expand investment in innovative technology to further improve Israel’s qualitative edge; increase the defense budget and enlarge the IDF; and thus, gain the ability to deploy larger forces to the defense of the borders and to fight simultaneously on more than one front."


3. "Briefing with Maj. Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror - November 22, 2023"


4. “'Is there a New Middle East?' – Major General (res.) Yaakov Amidror"


5. "Iran’s ‘Ring of Fire’"

Iran has spent years building a battle doctrine against Israel in which its proxies surround and attack Israel but it, ostensibly, is not involved • The assassination of a senior IRGC officer in Damascus makes it clear to Iran that this strategy does not give it immunity, and that if it intensifies its actions against Israel, any Iranian will be a legitimate target


6. "Briefing on the Conduct of the Gaza War by MG (res.) Yaakov Amidror."


As to the curriculum vitae of General Yaakov:

"Yaakov Amidror . . . is a former major general and National Security Advisor of Israel, and was also the head of the Research Department of Israeli military intelligence."

Not doubt about it. This man moved in high circles in a big way.


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