Wednesday, June 5, 2024


This is coolbert:

I highly recommend without qualification or reservation this You Tube video!

Once more, war by computer simulation? See within context of previous blog entry.

"War Remains - At the National WWI Museum and Memorial"

"For anyone who is interested in history, The National WWI Museum and Memorial in Kansas City, Missouri is a must see. This is the only museum in the world that fully interprets The Great War from a global perspective. Adding to this amazing place is a VR experience like no other"

If visiting the WW1 Museum Kansas City, MO. USA also check out in the adjacent Memory Hall what for many decades was the world's largest painting. As dedicated and as a commemoration to the victors of the Great War. Most impressive!

"The colossal war painting that time forgot"

An art of work nearly destroyed but should now be listed as international treasure.


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