Thursday, June 27, 2024


This is coolbert:

“Those who are cruel to animals and abuse them are displaying patterns of behavior that will eventually lead them to harm humans as well. Causing suffering of animals is not about animals alone, but rather an expression of human dignity, consideration of the feelings of others, protection of animals, and the sanctity of life in general."

Israeli military man behaving badly? Frog cooked alive in a microwave oven!

"Comm. service and demotion: punishment for soldier who heated frog to death in microwave"

From |  Jun 26, 2024.

"Military court judges determined that ‘the defendant inflicted unnecessary suffering on the animal,’ and sentenced him to community service, payment of a fine of NIS 1,500 [about $ 400 USD] and demotion to the rank of private."

Event occurring in March 2023. Community service in lieu of four months in prison + fine! Sounds like a fair punishment to me!

If all you have to worry about from your military personnel is the rare odd type that kills a frog in a microwave over you really don't have much to worry about. I guess that would be the positive perspective.


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