Friday, June 28, 2024


This is coolbert:

Often I have wondered about this! The Russian since the start of the Ukraine Conflict have avoided the use of lethal chemical agents. Not just white phosphorous [WP] or riot agent but poison gases that can be deadly.

Apparently however the Russian HAS been using mortally dangerous chemical munitions and repeatedly!

"NBC Weapons: Chemical Warfare in Ukraine"

From an extract:

Chemical warfare the Ukraine Conflict. Lethal agents!

"June 26, 2024: Russia has used lethal poison gas against Ukraine for the entire 2022 war, sometimes including the Novichok nerve gas. It started out with one use early on, during the siege of Mariupol, became sporadic for most of the war and suddenly became constant (100+ per month) starting in April 2024. The use of nerve agents increased too, but how much is not clear. The only consistent items in every use are that all were delivered by UAVs and drones on Ukrainian forward areas, and all involved the forbidden agent Chloropicrin, which is principally an irritant that is lethal in higher doses. Chloropicrin is used by itself or in conjunction with more lethal agents."

And from the wiki:

"In World War I, German forces used concentrated chloropicrin against Allied forces as a tear gas. While not as lethal as other chemical weapons, it induced vomiting and forced Allied soldiers to remove their masks to vomit, exposing them to more toxic gases used as weapons during the war."


* This chloropicrin an old-fashioned choking agent. But can be lethal in high-dosage.

* Quite clever [?] to use chloropicrin to "break mask" all the while under attack from much more lethal poison gases.

 * Presumably the use of nerve agent would [?] requires a mandatory release order direct from Putin?

* Even more widespread usage of deadly chemical agents only going to further complicate reconstruction in the aftermath of the war. That bad stuff is like a forever chemical.


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