Saturday, June 8, 2024


This is coolbert:

Doom and gloom the Third Temple? The Jewish state of Israel often referred to as the Third Temple.

Brik speaks II. General Itzhak Brik.

1. "Terrible destruction, collapse on the horizon for 'Israel': Ex-General"

From Al Mayadeen | EnglishSource | Israeli media | 28 May 2024 |

"Israeli Reserve Major General Itzhak Brik confirms that if the Israeli government does not end the war, the battle will turn into a long war of attrition."

In contrast to the length of other Israeli wars the Gazan War ALREADY is a war of attrition.

"Israeli Reserve Major General Itzhak Brik confirmed that unless the Israeli government ends the war, then the battle will turn into a war of attrition that will last for years, led by Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in the North, and eventually lead to the collapse of 'Israel'."

Indeed, if Hezbollah enters the fray and does so in a maximum that two-front war will present a particularly hard problem for the Israeli.

2. "Opinion | Don't Believe the IDF and Israeli Analysts. There's No Solution to Hamas' Tunnels"

From | Dec 25, 2023 |

"Based on the information I [Brik] have received from soldiers and officers fighting in the Gaza Strip since the war started, I [Brik] have reached the following conclusion: The spokesman for the Israel Defense Forces and the military analysts in television studios are presenting a false picture of the thousands of Hamas dead and the face-to-face fight being waged between our forces"

You need to be logged into Haaretz to read the entire article!

3. "'Israel cannot win against Hezbollah or Hamas': Israeli general"

From Al Mayadeen |  English Source | Israeli media7 Jun 2024 |

"Israeli Major General Yitzhak Brik says the Israeli occupation is doomed to fail in the face of Hezbollah and Hamas due to its ever-growing weakness."

Best the Israeli going to get is a stalemate? Neither adversary defeated to the point where they are unable to reconstitute themselves?


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