Thursday, May 9, 2024


This is coolbert:

Sardinia the Crimean War? Sardinia? Never heard of such a thing.

Thanks to the Internet web site VT and their article "The 'New' Crimean War"

From | By Claudio Resta | March 29, 2024.

"Crimean War was a conflict fought between 1853 and 1856, which pitted Russia against a coalition of states formed by Great Britain, France, the Ottoman Empire and the Kingdom of Sardinia; The trigger for the war was control of the Balkan peninsula, the eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea."

Strangely enough Sardinia indeed part and parcel of the Crimean War. See from the wiki entry what is deemed "Piedmontese involvement" in the conflict:

"Camillo di Cavour, under orders of Victor Emmanuel II of Piedmont-Sardinia, sent an expeditionary corps of 15,000 soldiers, commanded by General Alfonso La Marmora, to side with French and British forces during the war. This was an attempt at gaining the favor of the French, especially when the issue of uniting Italy would become an important matter. The deployment of Italian troops to Crimea, and the gallantry shown by them in the Battle of the Chernaya (16 August 1855) and in the Siege of Sevastopol, allowed the Kingdom of Sardinia to be among the participants at the peace conference at the end of the war, where it could address the issue of the Risorgimento to other European powers."

Those Sardinian units of Bersaglieri [sharpshooters] comporting themselves with honor during the conflict. The Italian Military Enigma as generally understood surely did not apply to the Sardinian troops during the Crimean War 


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