Wednesday, May 1, 2024


This is coolbert:

From the very start, did anyone ever think anything less??

U.S. military the pier in Gaza a point of contention. American military may face hostile action and armed combat!

"Austin [SECDEF] Says It’s ‘Possible’ That US Troops on Gaza Pier End Up in a Shooting War"

"US officials say the pier will be operational next week"

From | by Dave DeCamp | April 30, 2024.

"Secretary of Defense [SECDEF] Lloyd Austin acknowledged on Tuesday that it was a possibility that the 1,000 US troops deployed off the coast of Gaza as part of a project to build a pier could come under fire and said they would be able to shoot back."

"Austin made the comments in an exchange with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) at a House Armed Services Committee hearing. 'They have the right to return fire to protect themselves,' Austin said."

"When asked if it was likely that US troops would come under attack from someone in Gaza, Austin said, 'That’s possible, yes.'”

"The staging area for the pier has already come under mortar attack. Nobody was hurt in the incident, and only minor damage was reported, but it highlights the risk to the US troops just off the coast of Gaza."

ONLY minor damage. OH, I am glad it is ONLY minor damage!

See the Rep. Matt Gaetz question and answer session with SECDEF Austin!

See previous blog entries as relevant the JLOTS pier Gaza:


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