Monday, May 6, 2024


This is coolbert:

"My daughter has experienced anxiety attacks until now because of everything she went through and how they were pressured to enlist for duty. All these practices were actually torture just to break them to serve in the position. They were told at night that they should sleep under a light and in a noisy place, thus preventing them from continuous sleep. They were also put outside in the sun for hours without even being allowed to scratch their faces. Some fainted there."

"'Mom, I can no longer be in the army': Female IDF soldiers reveal hellish recruitment process"

"Harsh treatment of female soldiers: abused, humiliated, and pressured to enlist as observers following October 7 events, leading to anxiety, trauma, and severe consequences."

By EREZ HAREL | MAY 2, 2024.

See an entire blog entry devoted to the role of "observer" in the Israeli military. Young women doing remote sentry duty merely "observing" and watching a monitor with feed from a border camera. 

"Screaming, humiliation, sleep deprivation, and punishment to the point of fainting - this is how, according to the parents of female recruits, the IDF treats those who refuse to enlist in the female observation unit, due to fear of serving in the army after the events of October 7."

"After many female soldiers refused to serve as observers on the day of their recruitment a few weeks ago, their parents said that their daughters received harsh treatment, including being yelled at for many hours and deprived of continuous sleep, with the intention of 'breaking' them. They were yelled at, humiliated, threatened, and cursed at. They were put under real psychological stress that broke them down and caused them to experience anxiety attacks."

These young women already enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces being coerced into duty they find to be unpalatable! Especially in the aftermath of 7 October.


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