Thursday, May 16, 2024


This is coolbert:

Gonna go over like the lead balloon I am afraid.

Peacekeeping mission Gaza. Grand strategy considerations Gaza. But CONDITIONAL!

Lead balloon idiom:  "The “lead balloon” idiom is a common English expression that means something fails or is extremely badly received. It is often used to describe a situation where an idea, proposal, or attempt is met with strong disapproval or rejection"

"US wants Arab states to join peacekeeping force in Gaza"

"US Pres. Biden won't send American troops into Gaza - but wants Arab states to do so for him, Financial Times report says. Arab states condition agreement on US recognition of 'Palestine.'"

From  | Miriam Alster/Flash90 | May 15, 2024.

"The Biden administration is urging Arab states to join a 'peacekeeping' force which would control Gaza once the war ends, the Financial Times reported."

"The initiative aims to fill the vacuum which would be created in Gaza once Hamas is toppled and until a 'credible Palestinian security apparatus' could be established."

"Among the countries the US has been discussing its plans with are Egypt, the United Arab Emirates, and Morocco, all of which are 'considering' the initiative. The US has also spoken to Saudi Arabia about the plan, but the Saudis are unwilling to deploy their own forces to the area, for fear of being seen as Israel's allies, or drawn into an insurgency in Gaza."

Saudi too occupied with their own troubles in Yemen. The Hootie-Tootie a stone in the shoe.

Consider this another pie-in-the-sky proposal that sounds good on paper but nothing more than that.

"pie in the sky: noun - A fanciful notion; ludicrous concept; the illusory promise of a desired outcome that is unlikely to happen."

With regard to Grand Strategy considerations, the American senior military man General Marshall had three full years to prepare for the aftermath of the WW2 prior to final German surrender May 1945.

See also from this prior blog entry the Israeli Grand Strategy plan Gaza:


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