Wednesday, May 15, 2024


This is coolbert:

"'The key task, of course, remains achieving victory. Ensuring the achievement of the military-political goals of the special military operation, set by the president. At the same time - I want to specifically emphasize this - with minimal human losses'" 

The new man speaks. The first utterances of Belousov as Russian Minister of Defense.

"Belousov says Russia must win in Ukraine while minimizing casualties"

From | By Guy Faulconbridge and Mark Trevelyan | May 14, 2024.

* "Putin nominee stresses need to minimize human losses"

* "Belousov says military sector needs innovation, efficiency"

* "He takes over a ministry embroiled in corruption scandal"

"MOSCOW, May 14 (Reuters) - Russia's main task is to achieve victory on the battlefield in Ukraine with the minimal loss of troops, incoming defense minister Andrei Belousov said on Tuesday."

"Belousov, an economist whom President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly nominated on Sunday to replace Sergei Shoigu, said the military sector needed more efficiency and innovation in order to achieve its goals."

For some strange reason this Andrei reminds me greatly of the American Robert S. McNamara from the era of the Cold/Vietnam War era.

The genius [both were economists] experts at metrics, efficiency, goals. Neither having experience as a professional military man [McNamara did see uniformed service during the Second World as an operational research analyst] but chosen as perceived accomplished individuals of gravitas that can  "shake things up".

Andrei in particular with his background more able to organize and mobilize the entire Russian society in a more efficient and needed approach for the Ukraine Conflict. A practitioner of Grand Strategy. All being done in a more HUMANE style and method. If you assume war can be waged in a HUMANE manner.


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