Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Barbieri USMC.

This is coolbert:

$140 million USD saved and all they give the man is a medal?

"Marine corporal earns prestigious medal for saving military $140M"

https://www.yahoo.com | Irene Loewenson | May 16, 2024.   https://tinyurl.com/yc73fwym

"A Marine truck mechanic received a medal typically awarded to more senior service members for saving the Defense Department more than $140 million through work he began as a teenage lance corporal."

"Cpl. Gage Barbieri, now 21, received the Meritorious Service Medal on Friday from Col. Damon Burrows, commanding officer of 2nd Marine Division’s Headquarters Battalion. Barbieri is only the second Marine corporal to receive the Meritorious Service Medal since at least 2008"

"While serving as the Marine Corps’ representative to Oshkosh Defense as it revised its technical manuals for the joint light tactical vehicle, Barbieri pointed out flaws in the manuals, including one issue that could lead to rollovers."

"Barbieri’s engineering acumen would save more than 900,000 person-hours of maintenance production time and more than $140 million throughout the entire life cycle of the platform, the Corps calculated."

Corporal Barbieri has reward for a job well-done rather meager and sparse. The man deserves much more. Financial compensation of some sort his due? Similar to the "whistleblower reward" as deemed. No criminality here involved but nonetheless some sort of appreciation well merited.

 "Whistleblowers can receive up to 30% of the recovered funds.

 Whistleblowers can receive up to 15% to 30% of the recovered funds."



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