Thursday, April 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

Vigilantes the Ukraine Conflict. Vigilantes = Watchmen.

"vigilante: noun - broadly : a self-appointed doer of justice"

Vigilantes - target Moscow! Award and kudos for success!!

"Ukraine gives award to foreign vigilantes for hacks on Russia"

From | By Joe Tidy | Cyber correspondent.

"A team of vigilante hackers carrying out cyber-attacks against Russia has been sent awards of gratitude by Ukraine's military."

Let us be clear! Not paid mercenaries! Volunteers.

"The team, One Fist, has stolen data from Russian military firms and hacked cameras to spy on troops."

"The certificates are a controversial sign of how modern warfare is shifting."

"Concerns have been raised about the practice of states encouraging civilian hackers."

Secure Russian computer systems found to be not so secure after all! Has there ever been a computer system that experienced and very adept hackers have NOT BEEN able to compromise?


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