Sunday, April 28, 2024


This is coolbert:

Will go over with the British public like the proverbial lead balloon I can surmise.

"Lead balloon: The 'lead balloon' idiom is a common English expression that means something has failed or been met with strong disapproval or rejection. It is often used to describe a situation where an idea, proposal, or plan has been met with widespread criticism or disdain."

UK military Gaza during a time of heated conflict?

"UK forces may be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid"

From BBC News ^ | April 27, 2024 | James Landale | the tip from Freeper.

"British troops could be deployed on the ground in Gaza to help deliver aid via a new sea route, the BBC has learned. The US has said no American forces would go ashore and an unnamed 'third party' would drive trucks along a floating causeway onto the beach. The UK is understood to be considering tasking British troops with this when the aid corridor opens next month"

NO USA boots on the ground but ENGLISH boots OK?

Again, I don't this idea going to be acceptable to the English public. Rather to the contrary!


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