Monday, April 15, 2024


This is coolbert:

Hardly can we forget the Ukraine Conflict!

"Military courts in Russia prosecute a record number of front-line deserters"

"In March 2024, the courts handed down almost 700 sentences in cases of those 'missing' from military service." | Elizaveta Vereykina | April 12, 2024.

"Journalists from the Russian news website Mediazona researched the publicly available records of Russian garrison and district courts and found that the increase in the number of cases against 'refuseniks' (those soldiers who desert - leave the armed forces without permission and with no intention of returning) in 2024 is unprecedented." 

"In March 2024, 684 such sentences were passed by Russian military courts. This means that judges handed down 34 sentences under Article 337 every working day of the month, Mediazona reports."

Traditionally desertion during a time of war the death penalty the normal punishment. Especially for those individuals having deserted while in-the-face-of-the-enemy!

Today we have a kinder more gentler Russia?



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