Monday, April 29, 2024


This is coolbert:

Elite Hamas head-knocker cut-throat ranger/commando special operations unit, spearhead of the attack of 7 October.

"The Nazis had the SS, Hamas has the Nukhba: Sinwar's diabolical unit"

From | Dr. Michael Milstein.

"Analysis: On October 7, the Nukhba unit, Sinwar's elite, had 5,000 skilled zealots and about 1,500 of them were killed since; Just like the Nazi SS, the young members are carefully chosen based on their loyalty to the leader and ideological commitment"

And probably subjected to endless mind-numbing political indoctrination. Why we fight and must continue to fight sort of stuff.

"The Nukhba members are equipped with high-quality weapons, undergo rigorous training, including prolonged stays in tunnels without food and water, and receive unique training such as paragliding courses (in Malaysia) or sabotage and intelligence (in Iran). Nukhba members are meticulously selected and receive higher pay than other members of Hamas' military personnel ($400-500 per month)." 

From an article at Nukhba described as:

"The Nukhba Force or Al-Nukhba are naval commandos and a special forces unit of the Izz ad-Din al-Qassam Brigades of Hamas."

Naval commando unit analogous to American SEAL contingents.


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