Saturday, April 20, 2024


This is coolbert:

My presumption that tit-for-tat retaliation between the Iranian and the Israeli has ended is premature?

Next time, nuclear facilities Israel [Dimona] and Iran [Natanz] will not be exempt from military action!

"Iran threatens to strike at Israeli nuclear facilities. Israel hit Iran"

From |April 20, 2024.

"Ahmad Hagtalab, a senior commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, voiced a new portion of threats addressed to the State of Israel."

"In particular, the commander, who is responsible for ensuring the safety of Iran’s nuclear facilities, cautioned that due to threats posed by Israel, the Islamic Republic could revise its « nuclear doctrine ». He added that if Israel hits Iran’s nuclear facilities, then official Tehran will hit Israeli nuclear facilities and « will send powerful missiles to completely destroy the planned targets »."

Threats of this nature, even if totally 100 % justified [I am not saying either yes or no] apocalyptic and potentially catastrophic for the whole world!

Such military action might set off a chain reaction of a global scale as greatly feared [ever since 1945]. Armageddon transpiring in the space of less than a full day!

Cooler heads will prevail I am sure. They will, won't they?


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