Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Burke DDG-51.

This is coolbert:

31-knot Burke still alive after all this many decades? 

Mission ballistic missile intercept and destruction. Mission accomplished!

"American Sailors, Airmen Helped Thwart Iranian Missile Attack on Israel"

From https://www.breitbart.com  KRISTINA WONG | 15 Apr 2024..

"While Israeli air defense systems took out most of the 300 missiles and one-way drones fired by Iran during an unprecedented attack on Israel on Saturday, American sailors and airmen in the region helped to shoot down a number of them."

"U.S. sailors on the USS Arleigh Burke and USS Carney, stationed in the Mediterranean Sea, destroyed between four to six Iranian ballistic missiles, according to a senior military official briefing reporters on Sunday."

American radar Site 512 the Negev desert I imagine very active during the Iranian multi-faceted attack on Israel. In particular Site 512 the purpose of which to detect the launch of Iranian BALLISTIC missiles the Middle-East theater. Providing net-centric intercept information to all firing batteries onshore or at-sea.

And job well done! A real world test of all systems with success!


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