Saturday, April 6, 2024


This is coolbert:

Something not right here!

Read from the wiki the first siege of Al-Shifa.

Read from the wiki the second siege of Al-Shifa.

Al-Shifa hospital Gaza City now obliterated. A second siege and battle with Hamas fighters the hospital now a destroyed hulk of a building.

Israeli ground forces Gaza City having since November declared the region cleared of Hamas fighters, mission accomplished, resistance nil, the area secured and pacified.

Mission however not so accomplished, resistance not so nil, the area not so cleared and secured/pacified after all.

"This is how Israel's 'Navy SEALs' took over al Shifa Hospital"

"Now, top officers do not even refer to Shifa as 'Shifa Hospital' but as 'the Shifa compound' to reflect their belief that it was more a command center than an abused hospital."

From | By YONAH JEREMY BOB | APRIL 1, 2024.

Click on image to see an enlarged view. A Doonesbury cartoon from 1982 [the Siege of Beirut]. All thanks to Garry Trudeau. How so very but sadly apropos to the Al-Shifa siege [1 & 2] over forty years later.

"The IDF on Monday successfully withdrew from Shifa Hospital in northern Gaza, after an intense two-week battle. The operation to take control of it from over a thousand terrorists was successful partly due to the direct participation of the Shayetet 13 special forces unit."

A thousand or so Hamas combatants present for the battle # 2! That is a considerable number to have survived the immense Israeli aerial bombardment and initial ground assault escaping hale/hearty/whole to fight again another day.


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