Tuesday, March 12, 2024


 This is coolbert:

Mene, mene, tekel, parsin.

Way too little and way too late?

"Poland Calls on NATO Allies to Raise Defense Spending to Three Per Cent of GDP"

From Breitbart ^ | 03/11/2024 | BREITBART LONDON | the tip from Freeper.

"WARSAW, Poland (AP) – Poland’s president on Monday called on other members of the NATO alliance to raise their spending on defense to 3% of their gross domestic product as Russia puts its economy on a war footing and pushes forward with its invasion of Ukraine"

Even that pledged amount of 2 % of GDP as all NATO members to be dedicated to defense spending too little now? 3 % the MINIMUM demanded by the Poles. That 2 % figure agreed upon [2014] not even met by many of the NATO member states.

Frenzied worry the commanders of the various NATO military contingents greatly worried by the prospect of the Russian bear knocking on the door - NATO.

As it was with Belshazzar the King of Babylon so it is with NATO today?

Myself I am highly skeptical the NATO nations will heed the Polish admonition! Maybe lip service but nothing more.

See recent blog entry [with many additional links] as germane: 



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