Sunday, March 24, 2024


This is coolbert: 

Foxhound si, Flanker-E no.

"Russian Su-35’s radar ‘eats’ half of the R-37M missile full range"

From | By Boyko Nikolov | Mar 23, 2024.

"The Russian R-37M hypersonic air-to-air missile is regarded as one of the most potent and impressive munitions in Russian combat aviation. According to the technical specifications released by Russia, the missile travels at a speed of Mach 6 and boasts a range of up to 400 km." [about 240 miles]

"Since the onset of the war in Ukraine, analysts have speculated that the missile’s range has not been substantiated. Instead, the ambitious 400 km seems unattainable, though the R-37M met the standard for operational range before entering service in 2019. Some experts attribute this to the difference in the plane that tested the missile and the one wielding it in actual combat."

R-37 very long-range air to air missile not performing to standard as touted? Range during engagements ONLY HALF as advertised!

MiG-31 FOXHOUND that organic radar able to detect an adversary and guide onto target the R-37. Su-35 FLANKER-E the organic radar less powerful. Not able to detect targets at maximum range of the R-37. R-37 fired from a FLANKER-E only HALF the maximum range possible.

R-37 a beyond visual-range air-to-air missile now reliant upon the Russian A-50 AWACS for targeting and guidance to the target? My speculation intuitively so!

See prior blog entry A-50 with additional embedded links as possibly relevant:


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