Monday, March 4, 2024


This is coolbert:

 M.R.E. =  (Meals Ready To Eat)

American military rations dropped to the embattled civilians of Gaza.

Persons without resources very needy and in desperate circumstances without amelioration! | Einav Halabi.

"In new online trend, Gazans reveal contents of airdropped US aid packages after Washington says provided 38,000 meals; if they want coffee, they'll have to snag a Jordanian aid package" [see the embedded video]

Airdrop not STRICTLY an American affair. Done in conjunction with Jordanian Air Force assets.

See too this You Tube video the preparation of a MRE for consumption:


* That amount of MRE packages = to about one-half of one percent of the total needed on a daily basis to feed each Gazan three meals per day.

* I would like to think these packages have some instruction in Arabic so the folks on the ground will know how to prepare and consume.

* I would like to think these MRE are either vegetarian or halal compliant. Otherwise the people will not eat.

* Are there American CCT [combat controller team] on the ground directing the approach of the cargo planes and marking the drop zone?

* Food of itself not fully sufficient? Water too drinkable needed. Gaza water supply severely if not totally compromised.

Those meals provided to the Gazan done with good intent but too little too late? I fear more of a cosmetic for TV optics operation.


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