Saturday, March 30, 2024


This is coolbert:

On-call but no longer. Egress from Baltimore harbor now impossible and will be for some time to come.

 Naval vessels moored the harbor now out of action. Bridge falling into the harbor the event having a definite military dimension.

1. "Buttigieg Mess: Transportation Dept. Will Not Say How Many National Defense Ships Stuck in Harbor" | KRISTINA WONG | 28 Mar 2024.

"After an initial strong public response from President Biden vowing the federal government would do whatever it took to fix the situation, his administration is showing early signs it is bungling the response to the collapsed bridge in Baltimore."

"Questions abound — such as exactly how many ships are stuck in the harbor, but the administration has been unable to provide fast or forthcoming answers."

Ships of the National Defense Reserve Fleet and Ready and Reserve Force (RRF). Mostly if not exclusively specialized cargo ships designed with a definite military mission. Enable American naval global reach ready and for use when needed. 

2. "Two Of The Fastest U.S. Sealift Ships Trapped By Baltimore Bridge Collapse" | BY JOSEPH TREVITHICK | MAR 27, 2024. 

"The blocked entrance to the Port of Baltimore has stranded a total of four cargo ships that are on call to support U.S. military operation"

As pertinent to the topic I highly recommend without qualification or reservation the entire War Zone article.


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