Sunday, March 10, 2024


This is coolbert:

"Construction battalions will build out a large floating dock . . . Most likely in the port of Ashdod Israel. Only if Israel supports the security guarantees will that dock be floated down to Gaza under protection of the Israeli Navy. Working closely with the Engineers it will be attached to land at Port of Gaza or the beach south of Zikim. If you think this is not a US – Israel military project you are going to be very disappointed. But I will tell you one thing that absolutely will happen here. Hamas will attack that bridge at every chance and most likely try to destroy it and kill American sailors, who are putting it in place." - Malcolm Nance

Bridge over troubled waters the Gazan Conflict. Danger yes. 

One if by air [airdrop of humanitarian aid Gaza] and two if by sea [the floating pier].

"Biden’s Pier In Gaza Portends Disaster"

 From  | Courtesy the image by Mohamed Salam -Reuters.

"President Biden, during his State of the Union address, announced an effort to create an aid corridor to Gaza that will include a U.S.–constructed pier for shipments of food and other supplies to reach Palestinians. This 'temporary' construction would be a significant expansion of the Biden administration’s aid measures and no longer done at arm’s length, whatever promises of “no American boots on the ground” the President might make. As with all else, there are only tradeoffs. In this case, it’s almost all bad. The president’s design will create a locus of aid transfer that endangers American servicemen while failing to ensure the aid cannot be appropriated by Hamas."

Devoted readers to the blog will want to read the entire article!


* Going to take 1,000 personnel [U.S. Army Transport] to build the floating pier.

* Going to take two months to build the floating pier.

* When up and going the entire enterprise will be able to provide two-million rations daily? That amounts to one ration per person per day Gaza.

And YES, I fear a number of bad actors will want to frustrate the entire process. U.S. military troops Gaza might take casualties, no matter what the President and SECDEF say.

Given the conditions as exist in Gaza now, hard to see how an equitable distribution of needed food and other supplies going to be accomplished.


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