Sunday, March 17, 2024


This is coolbert:

"The investigation drew extensive media attention for spotlighting a history of loose prescribing practices and poor controls of powerful drugs including opioids in the White House Medical Unit, a military outfit that attends to the president, vice president, and others in the White House compound."

Call me Ishmael!

Jump the line!

"jump the line: English - Verb - (US) To skip to the head of a queue without waiting for one's turn."

"Washington elite received free healthcare from the military by using aliases"

FEATURED | WIB | POLITICS | March 15, 2024 | Staff Writer.

"Top U.S. officials in the Washington area have received preferential treatment from a little-known health care program run by the military, potentially jeopardizing care for other patients including active-duty service members, according to Pentagon investigators."

"White House officials, senior military and other national security leaders, retired military officers, and family members have all benefited. The Washington elite could jump the line when filling prescriptions, book appointments through special call centers, and receive choice parking spots and escorts at military hospitals and other facilities, including Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, according to the Pentagon’s inspector general."

"Through a unit at the White House, government personnel were routinely allowed to receive treatment under aliases, providing no home address or insurance information. For some of them, the care was free, as Walter Reed had no way to bill for it or waived charges."

From my perspective line-jumping here not the most egregious offense.

Consider drugs to include OPIOIDS obtained by persons in high-ranking governmental positions [to include military officials] gotten by persons using an ALIAS to be a more severe violation?

Think also the recent hospitalization of the American SECEF Austin. Done under circumstances warranting a degree of suspicion.


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