Wednesday, March 20, 2024


This is coolbert:

Final test the American air-launched hypersonic missile!

And planning for a facility to test submarine-launched hypersonic missile!

1. "US Air Force conducts final test of Lockheed’s hypersonic missile"

From| By Stephen Losey |  Mar 19 [2024].

"The U.S. Air Force on Sunday carried out what is expected to be the final test of the hypersonic AGM-183A Air-launched Rapid Response Weapon".

"The service did not say whether the test was successful."

2. "US racing to deploy sub-launched hypersonic missiles" | By GABRIEL HONRADA | MARCH 19, 2024.

"New underwater testing facility a key step but the plan still hobbled by budget cuts, reduced shipbuilding orders and unclear mission objectives"

"The US plans to construct an underwater hypersonic weapons testing facility, paving the way for its submarine-launched hypersonic weapons against potential adversaries China and Russia."

American military planners to their dismay seem to have totally missed the development of hypersonic weaponry? It would seem the USA behind the curve with regard to this NEW and OMINOUS technology?

From this point forward USA in a catch-up mode. Back-burner R & D no longer adequate!

"back burner: noun - the condition of being out of active consideration or development"


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