Thursday, February 22, 2024


This is coolbert:

Normally I might think that organized crime might stay away from anything involving nuclear material. Brings too much attention and heat!

At least until now? Japanese criminal syndicate Yakuza hard at work?

"Japanese mafia boss conspired to traffic nuclear materials, says US"

From | BBC News, Washington | By Bernd Debusmann Jr.

"US authorities claim that Takeshi Ebisawa is a senior figure in a sprawling Japanese organized crime group."

"US prosecutors have charged an alleged member of the Japanese mafia with conspiring to traffic nuclear materials."


"The US Department of Justice said Mr Ebisawa and his 'confederates showed samples of nuclear materials in Thailand' to an undercover agent from the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA)."

"The agent was posing as a drugs and weapons trafficker with links to an Iranian general."

"The nuclear samples - which came from Myanmar - were seized by Thai authorities and transferred to US investigators. A US laboratory confirmed the material contained uranium and weapons-grade plutonium"

That question I would ask is: of what possible reason or purpose does Myanmar [Burma] have weapons-grade plutonium?


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