Sunday, February 18, 2024

Yair III.

This is coolbert:

"Nevertheless, the prime minister’s son boarded a plane last week and returned to Florida in a trip that cost an estimated NIS 1 million [about quarter of a $ million USD] due to the measures implemented to secure his journey’s safety."

Yair Netanyahu the conclusion hopefully! Yair indeed has returned to the USA and has resumed [?] his charitable work.

"Yair Netanyahu leaves Israel after volunteering with United Hatzalah"


"Young Netanyahu decided that a month and a half in this war is long enough, so he packed his bags and returned to Miami, where he has been living for the past few months."

"It seems as though Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s son, Yair Netanyahu, has decided that a month and a half of warfare is more than enough of an experience for him to endure, since although he was in Israel during its initial stages, he has packed his bags and went back for Miami."

"A few months ago, the younger Netanyahu left Israel and moved to live in Miami, Florida. However, after the Swords of Iron war began, he returned to Israel and began contributing to the war effort in the form of posts, photos, and volunteer work at United Hatzalah’s emergency call center."

VOLUNTEER WORK an emergency call center? That is it? I would have totally 100 % expected this unashamed and unabashed Israeli to have volunteered for combat duty Gaza, done his bit as they say. Put his ass on the line as has done many Israeli young men.

"United Hatzalah . . . is an Israeli free, volunteer-based emergency medical services (EMS) organization throughout Israel with its headquarters based in Jerusalem."

And to all this his deceased uncle Jonathan [Entebbe raid] and his father [Israeli Prime Minister ranger/commando] would have said and are saying what??

See previous blog entries Yair:


1 comment:

  1. From an anonymous source:

    "Yair is a young idiot, and everyone knows it. He costs the state a fortune, but better in Miami sitting at the pool than than inciting hatred and violence here."
