Wednesday, February 7, 2024


This is coolbert:

The death of this Israeli field grade officer the Gazan War surely an indication that the Israeli Air Force [IAF] special operations ranger/commando type unit Shaldag active the Gaza Strip.

Shaldag providing target acquisition and terminal guidance for the IAF precision munitions pinpoint accuracy.

IAF sustained aerial bombardment the Gazan War greatly facilitated by the efforts of Shaldag.

"IDF says reservist commando officer killed in Gaza, raising ground op toll to 224"

"Ground operation continues to be centered around Khan Younis in south, including intelligence gathering, while reports indicate stepped up Israeli airstrikes in north’s Gaza City"

From | By EMANUEL FABIAN and AGENCIES | 31 January 2024.

"As battles in Gaza continued to be centered in the southern part of the Strip on Wednesday, the IDF announced the death of a reservist killed during renewed fighting in the north."

"He was named as Maj. (res.) Yitzhar Hofman, 36, a commander in the Israeli Air Force’s elite Shaldag unit, from Eshhar. His death brings the toll of slain troops in the ground offensive against Hamas to 224"

Devoted readers to the blog will want to watch these two video precision bombing of high-rise buildings Gaza Strip. Courtesy these two videos from an Internet website the unspeakable name of which will not be mentioned. Munitions of the JDAM or Paveway type striking not the building proper but rather at the very foundation with absolute preciseness. Foundation damaged, bringing the entire above structure toppling down on itself. 

Pinpoint precise terminal guidance of these JDAM bombs extraordinary. Accuracy as accomplished by military grade + GPS this I would highly suspect so to be the case.

Commercial grade GPS accurate down to about 100 meters accuracy. Military grade accuracy about several meters. Additional accuracy down to the centimeter level can will achieved by installing an electronic apparatus at a surveyed point providing correction with additional accuracy to the GPS military grade accuracy.

Electronic apparatus as with the RTK type presumably as placed on a surveyed location by personnel of a Shaldag unit.

See this Internet web site article a very well done accurate analysis of JDAM munitions! This of the year 2014. Very informative!


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