Monday, February 5, 2024


This is coolbert: 

The great god Dagon will not be pleased!

All institutions of higher learning Gaza Strip now gone and probably irrevocably so!  

Structures and buildings also described as iconic features Gaza, some existing since time immemorial also either destroyed or damaged!

"'This Is Not Self-Defense... This Is Ethnic Cleansing': Israel Blows Up Gaza" University"

From | JULIA CONLEY | Jan 18, 2024.

"'All the universities in Gaza have been damaged or destroyed,' said one international relations expert."

Universities of Gaza all gone now! Demolished/bombarded/shelled into obliteration either in part or a whole?

Add to that list wholesale ruination the Great Omari Mosque of Gaza!

"How this ancient site speaks to Gaza's extensive history of religious interchange."

"the Great Omari Mosque, where an ancient collection of manuscripts was kept before the building was destroyed in an airstrike last month."

Antiquarian manuscripts of incalculable value either destroyed or damaged!

The exact location the Great Omari Mosque of very important cultural value to Gazan society and has been so for literally thousands of years!

The Great Omari Mosque reputed to have been built on the original foundation of the temple of Dagon from Philistine times. And yes, that same temple of Dagon where Sampson, the great warrior/judge of the Hebrew people, killed 3,000 Philistines. [Samson himself dying in the process.]

See an outstanding Internet website photo essay of the The Great Omari Mosque. I highly recommend this photo essay without qualification or reservation.

Think repositories of manuscripts of great value being destroyed during wartime:

In times of yore the Library of Alexandria or the House of Wisdom in Baghdad.

And in more recent times, Timbuktu, Mali and Mariupol, Ukraine.

Valuable manuscripts and cultural items when gone never can be replaced.

Israeli Air Force [IAF] beware the wrath of Dagon?


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