Thursday, February 1, 2024


This is coolbert:

I don’t remember any of this being reported anywhere else on the Internet media.

Russian Marines so-called elite unit acting in a childish and callous manner blowing themselves up!

A RPG rocket propelled grenade round errantly fired, setting off an ammunition dump, friendly casualties resulting!

"GRILLED IN ACTION Moment Putin’s bungling ‘elite’ marines blow themselves up cooking BBQ next to live RPG-launcher grenades killing 12"

From | Olivia Allhusen |  Will Stewart | 1 Dec 2023.

"Russian troops have also made a series of other embarrassing blunders"

"THIS is the moment Russia lost a dozen elite marines when they cooked food on an open fire and triggered an explosion from nearby live ammunition."

"Eight more were wounded in the incident that Vladimir Putin’s regime has sought to cover-up."

See this previous blog entry the 155th Separate Marine Brigade in action the Ukraine Conflict casualties very high.

Soviet Marines during the time of the Cold War were rated as being very high with regard to combat capability. They were indeed seen as an elite unit, the Soviet era defector Suvorov most emphatic about this.

Soviet and now Russian [?] ground commanders rated those Marines as outstanding. A full regiment of such "naval infantry" having the same combat presence as a full division of conventional ground troops.

Seems that the Black Death Russian Marines are not such an elite unit anymore!


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