Monday, February 26, 2024


This is coolbert:

"All war is based on deception"

Fakebook and not Facebook! U.S. Army deception and intrigue!

"An unusual twist during US Army training had noncombatants posting photos and videos to Fakebook [sic] for the enemy to see: report"

From | Story by (Jake Epstein) •

* "Western militaries are studying and learning a lot from watching the war in Ukraine."

* "One area of interest is the way that cellphones play a role on the battlefield."

* "Recent training included an usual drill where civilians posted photos to fake social media for the 'enemy' to see, according to a new report."

BOGUS images of American troops in the field posted to FAKE social media accounts.

Practitioners of Open-Source-Intelligence [OSINT] and geo-positioning/geo-location from Internet images beware?

It is not so much you are looking at the adversary but that the adversary is looking at you using some sort of cyber/malware techniques or methods?


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