Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Easy ID.

This is coolbert:

"They committed war crimes. We told them to stop.

They didn’t listen. That pissed us off.

So we made the War Criminals Playing Cards."


"During the illegal invasion of Iraq in 2003, the U.S. made playing cards of the ‘most wanted’ members of Saddam Hussein’s government, political party, and military. The cards were used to help American military units recognize the ‘most wanted’ individuals in the field and hunt them down."

"Today we want the public to easily identify the people responsible for committing, enabling and failing to prevent a genocide in Gaza."

"The ‘War Criminals’ deck contains 54 individuals implicated in the genocide in Gaza. These individuals are bound together by their indiscriminate support for the systematic killing of Palestinian civilians when the world, resoundingly and repeatedly, begged them to stop."

WANTED criminal mug shots PLAYING CARDS.

See previous blog entry wanted playing cards the Ukraine Conflict.

See previous blog entry wanted playing cards the Iraqi insurgency.


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