Wednesday, January 17, 2024

USAF Yemen.

This is coolbert:

Cruise missile the Red Sea direct attack American naval vessel!

Cruise missiles shot out of the sky by United States Air Force combat warplanes?

"Air Force [USAF] says it stopped anti-ship cruise missile fired at US Navy ship but Houthi rebels claim it was a 'direct hit'"

FROM |  FEATURED WIB |  January 16, 2024 | Staff Writer.

"Washington — The US military said another missile fired by the Houthi rebels based in Yemen was intercepted in the south of the Red Sea."

"The rebels had fired the anti-ship cruise missile towards a US Navy destroyer around 4:45 pm (1345 GMT) on Sunday, the US military’s regional command announced in the early hours of Monday on the social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter."

"The missile was intercepted by the US Air Force near the Yemeni coastal city of al Hudaida. There were no reports of casualties or damage."

Hey! I thought that the Red Sea mission intercepts of Hootie Tootie drones was strictly a US Navy mission and not involving the Air Force. But this has now been seen to be not true? Air Force fighter plane shooting down the cruise missile were based from where exactly? 


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